alguem ne ajuda por favor
Soluções para a tarefa
36 - doesn't she want to work with you?
37 - don't you think?
38 - she doesn't want to come here
39 - where do you work?
40 - what do you do here?
41 - why doesn't she have my cellphone? (se tiver se referindo especificamente a número telefônico, pode dizer "number" ou "phone number" ao invés de cellphone)
42 - don't they want to drive?
43 - why doesn't he want to talk to me?
44 - didn't they swallow the apple?
45 - where does she study dutch?
46 - who wants to buy my car?
47 - who studies russian?
48 - where are you?
49 - do you speak italian?
50 - i don't want to call
51 - she smells the flower
52 - the ticket costs a thousand dollars
53 - what does she want?
54 - what does he bring to the party? (ou - what is he bringing to the party?)
55 - what do you want to do?
56 - why doesn't he come? (ou - why isn't he coming?)
57 - where does she want to visit?
58 - why don't you want to talk to me?
59 - because she doesn't want to work with you (why é usado só para perguntas, nas respostas usa-se "because")
60 - do you want to visit the city?
61 - do you visit the city?
62 - do you want help?
63 - doesn't she have time to do it?
64 - i don't have time to study
65 - i have time to play with my friends
66 - doesn't she shut down the computer? (ou - doesn't she turn off the computer?)
67 - what do you say?
68 - why don't you want to negotiate with me (poderia usar também "deal" como "negociar", mas "deal" pode dar outros sentidos pra frase também, já que "deal with me" significa também "lidar comigo", pode dar sentido de "porque você não quer lidar comigo? - não quer me aturar?")
69 - she doesn't want to call now (pode usar também "phone" como verbo no sentido de "telefonar/ligar", assim como "call")
70 - my boss doesn't want to talk to you now