Ed. Física, perguntado por giovannasouza130417, 5 meses atrás

alguém me ajude..


Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, a small town in Palestine ( ISRAEL ).

Every year, on December 25 th, we commemorate his birthday. This party is called Christmas.

Jesus Christ was an extraordinary person .

Many people followed him a long way to hear teachings.

He died on a cross for the sake of mankind.

1) Where was Jesus Christ born?

2) Is Bethlehem a big city or a small town

3) In what country is the town of Bethlehem?

4) What is Christmas?

5) Was Christ a common person?

6) Observe o verbo WAS: foi, era estava.

Passado do verbo to be ; am - is are.

Exemplos: He is happy. Ele é ou está feliz. Presente. Singular

He was calling me. Ele estava me ligando. Passado.

They were playing soccer. Eles estavam jogando futebol. Passado . Plural.

Singular. Passado: I – he- she- it: was

Plural -passado: you – we – they: were

Complete as frases com o verbo to be no presente e mude para o passado:

a) I _________________ from England and Erika ____________ from Japan.

b) My friend _____________ a doctor and my brothers ____________ lawyers.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por felipe031003


1= Em Belém (in Belem)

2= Uma pequena cidade (A small city)

3= Fica em Israel (stay in israel)

4= O aniversario de jesus (jesus birthday)

5= Não ele era uma pessoa extraordinária. (

No, he was an extraordinary person.)


Eu sou da Inglaterra e Erika é do Japão.(I am from England and Erika is from Japan).  

B-b)Meu amigo é médico e meus irmãos são advogados.(My friend is a doctor and my brothers are lawyers).

Espero ter te ajudado, Bons estudos :)

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