Inglês, perguntado por taineweber, 10 meses atrás

alguem me ajuda porfavor
Sell your car and buy a bike!
Bicycles are very popular today in many countries. Many people use bicycles for exercise. But exercise is only one of the reasons why bikes are popular. Another reason is money. Bicycles do not cost much money. You do not need any gas to make them go. They……………easy and cheap to fix.
1- A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna no texto é,
(A) is (B) was (C) are (D) am

2- De acordo com o texto, a palavra em destaque na frase,“They are easy and cheap to fix”, “linha 3” no texto, está substituindo,
(A) bicicletas. (B) trânsito. (C) pessoas (D) carros.
3- As palavras “easy” and “people”, destacadas no texto podem ser traduzidas corretamente por:
(A) difícil e lento
(B) rápido e caro
(C) difícil e sempre
(D) fácil e pessoas

4- Assinale a alternativa com o verbo ‘To Be’ in the Simple Past.
(A) I am at home last night.
(B) The girls are at school.
(C) Peter was in the school yesterday.
(D) Miriam is at school last night.

5- Que alternativa está com estrutura de “Simple Future.”
(A) The man is reading a book now.
(B) The man reads a every week.
(C) The man will read a book tomorrow.
(D) The man is a teacher.

6- A Forma interrogativa da sentença, “Jane will buy a new car”, é,
(A) Does buy a new car?
(B) Is Jane buying a new car?
(C) Do Richard travel to São Paulo?
(D) Will Jane buy a new car?

7- Observe o sujeito destacado que compõe o início da frase e selecione o adjetivo possessivo correspondente:
- Ann doesn’t like……..……hair.
(A) his (B) she (C) her (D) your

8- Que alternativa está com estrutura de “Simple Present.”
(A) The woman is working now.
(B) The baby sleeps at afternoon.
(C) The man will travel tomorrow.
(D) The girl was a teacher.

9- A sentença, “Peter is at school”, no “Simple Past”, seria,
(A) Peter isn’t at school.
(B) Peter was at school.
(C) Peter plays at school.
(D) Peter will be at school.

10- Qual dos verbos abaixo perde a última letra para o acréscimo do ING:
(A) drink (B) read (C) use (D) play

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por thiagotatsuyaisibasi


1. C










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