Inglês, perguntado por voithelena3, 3 meses atrás


1) If I….(not work), I …..(come) to the amusement park with you.“Se eu…..(não trabalhar), eu …. (vir) para o parque de diversões com você.”
didn’t worked / would come didn’t work / would come wouldn’t work / came

2) I ….(buy) a mansion if I….(win) the lottery “Eu...(comprar) mansão se eu ….(ganhar) na loteria.”
bought / would win bought / would won would buy / won

3) If she….(know) the answer, she….(win) the price. “Se ela….(conhecer) a resposta, ela….(vencer) o prêmio.”
knew / would win knowed / would win would know / won

4)You….(make) a fortune if you….(take) my advice.“Você ….(fazer) uma fortuna se você...(aceitar) meu conselho.” 
would make / took made / would take would made / taked

5) I….(understand) Mr. Brown if he….(speak) slowly.“Eu….(entender) senhor Brown se ele….(falar) vagarosamente” understood / would speak would understand / spoke would understand / would speak

6) If I….(be) you, I….(want) to be a doctor. “Se eu ….(ser) você, eu ….(querer) ser um doutor.”
were / wanted were / would wanted were / would want

7) If I….(have) a map, I….(lend) it to you. “Se eu...(ter) um mapa, eu ….(emprestar) para você.”
had / would lend
had / lended
haved / would lend

8) If I ….(know) some Spanish, I….(help) you with your assignment now.“Se eu …. (saber) um pouco de espanhol, eu...(ajudar) com sua avaliação”
knew / could help
knowed / would help
would know / helped

9) If she …..(speak) English fluently, she ….(get) a better job.“Se ela….(falar) inglês fluentemente, ela...(conseguir) um emprego melhor.”
spoke / could get
spoke / could got
would speak / got

rafaelalacerda9: mais tipo assim te que fazer oq/
rafaelalacerda9: tem que traduzir as coisas

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por felicianodasilva97


é o numero 5


espeto te ajudado

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