Inglês, perguntado por VitorFernando003, 3 meses atrás

Alguém me ajuda por favor ?
1) Write sentences.
a) (Jim / go / out tonight) ...........................................................................
b) What time / Bob and Craig / come ? ......................................................
c) When / They / go on Holiday ?................................................................
d) What time / the flight / leave? ................................................................
e) When / the next English course / begin ? ............................................
f) When / they / get married ? ..................................................................
g) Whe / you / go / to London / next month?


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por azadbigb


a) Jim goes out tonight.

b) what time do Bob and Craig come.

c) when do they go on holiday.

d) what time do the flight leave.

e) when does the English course being.

f) when do they get married.

g) whe do you go to London next month...

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