Matemática, perguntado por lucifidelis11, 9 meses atrás

alguém me ajuda por favor é só até amanhã (07/06)


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por talmeida12


Explicação passo-a-passo:I not know,teach you because,I'm not in this year,so you can learn this alone.


lucifidelis11: I don't understand, could you answer all the questions please! Thank you
talmeida12: But,I not have answer to this question,because i not understand this answer
lucifidelis11: Oh yes, I understand... well thank you anyway
talmeida12: Thank you...You is much kind!!
lucifidelis11: You who are here helping those in need, a lot of learning for you, we will end this virus, I'm from Brazil
talmeida12: This is truth
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