Inglês, perguntado por heleniceclaudia2132, 10 meses atrás

Alguém me ajuda pôr favor:)​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alamandabl


a) were

b) was

c) was

d) was

a) We were not talking about the summer vacation

b) I was not at my best friend's house.

c) My best friend's mother was not there and she talked with us too.

d) She was not crazy about wine.


Os verbos quando estão no plural ficarão "were" e os no singular ficam como "was". No negativo, você pode colocar como coloquei ou escrever na forma reduzida, "was'nt" ou "were'nt" :)

heleniceclaudia2132: muito obrigada vc me ajudou muito:)
heleniceclaudia2132: :)
alamandabl: de nada '^'
heleniceclaudia2132: :)
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