Inglês, perguntado por iarleyjuni21, 10 meses atrás

alguém me ajuda por favor!! ​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por williansl425


10) Óculos= Glasses

People will not (won't) use these anymore because everybody will have laser treatment to better their vision.

As pessoas não usarão mais isso , pois elas farão tratamento á laser para melhorar a visão delas.

5) Inundações = Floods

It will rain a lot and we will have this problem all over the world.

Irá chover muito , e nós teremos esse problema no mundo inteiro.

2) Robôs = Robots

People will get these to do their house chores . No housekeeperes will not (won't) be hired anymore.

As pessoas os terão para fazer os serviços de casa . Nenhuma empregada doméstica / faxineira será mais contratada.

1) Lâmpadas = Bulbs

People will not (won't) install these anymore in their houses . Solar power  will give energy to houses.

As pessoas não as instalarão mais em suas casas . A energia solar irá fornecer energia para as casas.

3) Professores = Teachers (da pré-escola até o ensino médio)

They will not (won't) exist anymore since computers will be the ones in charge of teaching at schools.

Eles não existirão mais , desde que os computadores serão encarregados de ensinar nas escolas.

7) Lixo = Garbage

There will be mountains of this if we don't start recycling.

Terão várias montanhas disto se nós não começarmos a reclicar.

9) Notebooks / Laptops / Computadores de Mesa = Laptops

Every single person will get one of this to communicate and to avoid going to libraries to investigate or to read.

Todas as pessoas terão um destes para comunicar-se e para evitar de ir às bibliotecas para pesquisar ou para ler.

6) Trabalhar em casa / Trabalhar de casa = Work from home.

We will do this from home because contamination and over population will not (won't) ease our work.

Nós faremos isso em casa / de casa porque a contaminação e o excesso de população não facilitarão o nosso trabalho.

8) Gasolina / Gás = Gas

We will run out of this . So maybe people will prefer to use a bike / bicycle instead.

Nós acabaremos com isso / ficaremos sem isso . Então , talvez as pessoas prefirirão usar uma bicicleta / usar uma bicicleta no lugar.

williansl425: 2) Robôs = Robots

People will get these to do their house chores . No housekeeperes will be hired anymore.

People will not (won't) get these to do their chores . Housekeeperes will still be hired.

Will people get these to do their chores ? And will housekeeperes still be hired ?
williansl425: 1) Lâmpadas = Bulbs
People will not (won't) install these anymore in their houses . Solar power  will give energy to houses.

People will need to install these in their houses . Solar power will not (won't) give energy to houses.

Will people install these in their houses ? Will solar power give energy to houses ?
williansl425: 3) Professores = Teachers (da pré-escola até o ensino médio)
They will not (won't) exist anymore since computers will be the ones in charge of teaching at schools.

They will still exist since computers will not (won't) be the ones in charge of teaching at schools.

Will they exist since computers will be the ones in charge of teaching at schools ?

Will computers be the ones in charge of teaching at schools ? --
williansl425: 7) Lixo = Garbage

There will be mountains of this if we don't start recycling.

There will not (won't) be mountains of this if we start recycling.

Will there be mountains of this if we don't start recycling ?
williansl425: 9) Notebooks / Laptops / Computadores de Mesa = Laptops

Every single person will get one of this to communicate and to avoid going to libraries to investigate or to read.

Every single person will not (won't) get one of this to communicate and they will not (won't) avoid going to libraries to investigate or to read.

Will every single person get one of this to communicate ? And will they avoid going to libraries to investigate or to read ?
williansl425: 6) Trabalhar em casa / Trabalhar de casa = Work from home.

We will do this from home because contamination and over population will not (won't) ease our work.

We will not (won't) do this from home because contamination and over population will ease our work.

Will we do this from home because contamination and over population will not (won't) ease our work ?
williansl425: 8) Gasolina / Gás = Gas

We will run out of this . So maybe people will prefer to use a bike / bicycle instead.

We will not (won't) run out of this . So maybe people will not (won't) prefer to use a bike / bicycle instead.

Will we run of this ? So maybe people will prefer to use a bike / bicycle instead.
Will people prefer to use a bike / bicycle instead ?
williansl425: O exercício 2 e o 3 são bem parecidos . No exercício precisa reescrever as frases na forma negativa e interrogativa , porém algumas frases do final você terá deixar positivas senão não fará sentido algum
williansl425: Eu resolvi o exercício 2 . No exercício 3 é so dar uma mudada m pois ele quer as frases na forma positiva e interrogativa
williansl425: De Nada
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