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Soluções para a tarefa
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1 - Fabiane had her hair cut very short - Fausto, her boyfriend,may not lie her new look.
2 - Tatiana has a new manager. They have been arguing with each other - Her salary might be increased if her boss considers her perfomance along the year.
3 - Ney is taking an exam tomorrow morning. He missed some classes and did not study for it - He may fall as he isn't prepared for it.
4 - Narciso hasn't decided where he's going to spend his vacation. It Will depend on the amount of money he gets - he might not travel.
5 - Simone, who is a qualified secretary, has recently been dismissed due to a downsizing process - She won't be unemployed for a long time.
6 - Daniel is a big fan of a band called The Futurists - He will certainly watch them perfoming live one day.
7 - Yolanda, a sucessful salesperson, has been promised a 30% raise. However, sales have dropped dramatically in the last three months - She may be fired.
8 - Denise has been studying english very hard - As soon as she finishes her course, she will join an exchange student program.