alguém me ajuda por favoooor
Soluções para a tarefa
2. It's a pencil. It's his pencil.
3. It' a book. It's her book.
4. It's a pen. It's his pen.
5. It's a painting. It's her painting,
6. It's a blackboard. It's her blackboard.
7. não consigo enxergar.. pode mandar de novo a 7 mais de perto?
8. It's a rule. It's her rule.
9. It's a bag. It's her bag.
10. It's an ID. It's his ID.
pencil= lápis
book= livro
pen= caneta
painting= pintura
blackboard= lousa
rule= régua
bag= bolsa/mochila
ID= identidade
2- This is a pencil. Its her pencil
3- This is a table. Is there the table
4- This is a pen. Here is the pen
5- This is a notebook. Here is the notebook
Agora que te ajudei, vou explica-la. Você vai usar "here" quando elx estiver com o objeto na mão. E vai usar "this" quando elx estiver apontando algo
Espero ter ajudado