Inglês, perguntado por frann112, 9 meses atrás

Alguém me ajuda?? Pfv


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sofiarochamb



jáaaa vaiiiii.......

Respondido por h85cn6wwby
B) are we playing a new game ?
C) are you dancing in your house ?
D) am I talking slowly?
E) is he listening a good music ?
F) are they singing
G) is she making a dinner

B) Travel- traveling- viajando
C) watch- watching- assistindo
D) believe- believing - acreditando
E) create- creating - criando
F) help - helping - ajudando

3- is he helping Maria ?
Is she sleeping now?
Are you watching a movie ?
Are they going to the mall?

frann112: Muito obrigada!!
h85cn6wwby: Nada !
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