Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 1 ano atrás

alguem me ajuda pf .


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Sunshineexs


2- Jane is going to eat an apple - she is eating the apple - she has just eated the apple

3- Bob is going to shut the door - He is shut the door - He has just shuted the door

4- Jim is going to drink a glass of milk - He is drinking the glass of milk - He has just drinked the glass of milk

5- Nancy is going to buy the flowers - She is buying the flowers - She has just buyed the flowers

Respondido por izabellycristip4lpp8

2 - Jane is going to eat an apple.

She is eating an apple.

She has just eaten an apple.

3 - Bob is going to shut the door

He is shutting the door

He has just shut the door.

4 - Jim is going to drink a glass of milk.

He is drinking a glass of milk.

He has just drank a glass of milk.

5 - Nancy is going to buy some flowers.

She is buying some flowers.

She has just bought some flowers.

creio que seja isso, bons estudos :)

Sunshineexs: me desculpe, mas está bem errado, não quero deixar ninguém chateado mas também não quero que ninguém coloque respostas erradas, deixe a resposta mas corrija as partes erradas :)
izabellycristip4lpp8: uhh, nao queria dizer nada mas a sua também está, principalmente a última parte. estou revisando minha resposta agora mesmo. muito obrigada :)
Usuário anônimo: ta errado então ?
izabellycristip4lpp8: a resposta dela está errada sim.. já conferi a minha e creio que esteja tudo correto.
Usuário anônimo: ok
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