Inglês, perguntado por palomameedeiross, 9 meses atrás

Alguém me ajuda na 6 e na 7 ?


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por guilhermeafd20



a. She isn't visiting her parents now

b. They aren't going to London right now

c. He isn't giving her a new job

d. It isn't working very well

e. Tom isn't doing his homework


a. Is she washing her face?

b. Is he going home now?

c. Are they waiting for the bus?

d. Are we eating breakfast?

e. Is playing soccer my brother?

CremildaBR: a interrogativa na letra e. está errada... dá uma olhadinha ;)
Respondido por CremildaBR



a. She is not visiting her parents now.

b. They are not going to London right now.

c.  He is not giving her a new job.

d.  It is not working very well.

e. Tom is not doing his homework.


a. Is she washing her face?

b. Is he going home now?

c. Are they waiting for the bus?

d. Are we eating breakfast?

e. Is my brother playing soccer?


Negativa - acrescenta NOT após o verbo to be (is - are)

Interrogativa - coloca o verbo to be (is - are) na frente do sujeito e ponto de interrogação.

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