Inglês, perguntado por silvahannahbruna, 6 meses atrás

Shut up and enjoy your dinner!
Last week at a dinner-party, the hostess asked me to.
sit next to Mrs. Rumbold: Mrs. Rumbold was a large,
unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not even
look up when I took my seat beside her: Her eyes were
fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy
eating. I tried to make conversation
A new play is coming to The Globe soon', I said. Will
you be seeing it?'
'No' she answered:
Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year?',
'No' she answered.
Will you be staying in England?', I asked.:
'No', she answered:
In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her
Young man, she answered, if you ate more and
talked less, we would both enjoy our dinner!'
(Jokes and more jokes)
1.Qual das seguintes características da Sra.Rumbold o texto (não) menciona?Ela:
a-usava um vestido preto.
b-era muito séria.
c-usava roupa justa.
d-era amiga de longa data da dona da festa.
e-era mal-educada.
2.The Glover ia very likely to be a:
a)Magazine b)newpaper c)movie picture d)play e)movie theater
3.If you eat more and talk less,we ......... our dinner better.
a-would have enjoyed
b-would enjoy
c-will enjoy
d-would had enjoyed
e-would enjoyed
4.If you eat more and talked less,we .....our dinner better.
a)would enjoy
b)will enjoy
c)will have enjoyed
d)would have enjoyed
e)would had enjoyed.
5.If you had eaten more and had talked less,we ..... our dinner better.
a)will enjoy
b)will have enjoyed
c)would enjoy
d)would have enjoyed
e)would had enjoyed
6.If Mrs.Rumbold ..... nicer,she would be friendlier and talk to me.
a-have been
b-had been

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por L3Souza


1) B "era muito séria"

2)D "peça"

3)c "iria desfrutar"

a 4 e 5 estavam perguntando a mesma coisa então a resposta seria a letra E

6)c "tivesse sido"


a maioria das frases você escreveu errado então não consegui entender muito bem mas, oque eu entendi,respondi. espero ter ajudado!!!

coloque como melhor resposta pfv? iria me ajudar muito também!!!obrigada❤️❤️

silvahannahbruna: Poderia me ajudar com mais algumas questões ???
L3Souza: quais?
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