Inglês, perguntado por fefeefrf, 11 meses atrás

Alguem me ajuda e urgente Reescreva as sentencas nas formas negativa e interrogativa
4- It´s working well.
I -

5- They are good friends.

6- Pablo, David and Mary are students.
I -

7- She was sad yesterday.
I -

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por natalinhamcampoy2kw5


4- It´s working well.

N-  It isn't working well.

I -  Is it working well?

5- They are good friends.

N-  They aren't good friends.

I-  Are they good friends?

6- Pablo, David and Mary are students.

N-  Pablo, David and Mary aren't students.

I -  Are Pablo, David and Mary students?

7- She was sad yesterday.

N-  She wasn't sad yesterday.

I - Was she sad yesterday?


Na forma negativa acresenta-se "not" (não):

Passado: Was not = Wasn't (não estava), were not = weren't (não eram, não estavam)

Presente: is not= isn't (não está, não é), are not = aren't (não são, não estão), am not (não tem contração)

Quando for na forma interrogativa, passa-se o "is" "am" "are" "was" "were" para antes do pronome (normalmente no começo da frase)

Was she sad yesterday? (ela estava triste ontem?)

Are they good friends? (eles são bons amigos?)

Am I going there? (eu estou indo lá?)

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