Inglês, perguntado por gabrielequiks007, 2 meses atrás


1 Complete as frases com verbo to be no presente

a) I_____ Brazilian and I live in Curitiba.

b) _____ you talking to me

c) What _____ Erika doing?

d) My dog ______ playing in the garden.

e) My friend__________ a doctor and my brothers_________ lawer

2. Complete as frases com o simples present.

a) Cayo ___________ (go) to the college tonight.

b) My parents _______(have) Italian and French classes on Thursday every week.

c) The plain _____________ ( arrive) at 08:00 in the city.

d) __________ you like sopa?

e) She___________ (watch) to be a doctor when she was child.

3. complete as frases com o simple past.
a)_____________ (clean) the house three times yesterday.

b) She________ (want) to be a doctor when she was a child.

c) __________ you take a cab to the airport?

d) He _______ (not/come) to work by bus.

e) We__________(not/have) French classes at School.

4. Complete as frases com o future with GOING TO:

a) He_______(talk) to his brother after School..

b) My father ________(buy) a new car.

c) I am so sad! My best friend _________(move) to another city.

d) My best friend and I _________ (learn) Italian.

e) Our classmates_________ (enjoy) this afternoon watching movies.

5. Complete as frases com o future with will:

a) The phone is ringing! Don't worry! I ______________________ (answer) it.

b) Solar energ_______________(be) an alternative in the future.

c)I_________________________ (not/have) free time tomorrow.

d)___________________ the girl come here?

e)The stores________________(close) early this afternoon.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por xdmaster147


a) I am Brazilian and I live in Curitiba.

b) Are you talking to me

c) What is Erika doing?

d) My dog is playing in the garden.

e) My friend is a doctor and my brothers are lawer

2. Complete as frases com o simples present.

a) Cayo will go to the college tonight.

b) My parents have Italian and French classes on Thursday every week.

c) The plain arrives at 08:00 in the city.

d) Do you you like soup?

e) She wants to be a doctor when she was child.

3. complete as frases com o simple past.

a) Cleaned the house three times yesterday.

b) She wanted to be a doctor when she was a child.

c) Will you take a cab to the airport?

d) He didn't come to work by bus.

e) We didn't take French classes at School.

4. Complete as frases com o future with GOING TO:

a) He Will going to his brother after School..

b) My father Will going to (buy) a new car.

c) I am so sad! My best friend will going to (move) to another city.

d) My best friend and Will going to (learn) Italian.

e) Our classmates Will going to (enjoy) this afternoon watching movies.

5. Complete as frases com o future with will:

a) The phone is ringing! Don't worry! I will (answer) it.

b) Solar energy will (be) an alternative in the future.

c)I will (not/have) free time tomorrow.p

d) Will the girl come here?

e)The stores will (close) early this afternoon.

gabrielequiks007: obg
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