Inglês, perguntado por brunasilva475, 2 meses atrás


Exercício: Verbos irregulares: Passado Simples negativo

Complete as sentenças no Passado Simples do inglês (verbos irregulares) para a forma negativa, usando a forma contraída DIDN'T.

Exemplo: I told him my phone number. --> I didn't tell him my phone number.

1. I made my bed this morning.


2. You went to class yesterday.


3. She bought a car last month.


4. He built this computer himself.


5. We saw our kids this morning.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jsidenei80


I didn't make my bed this morning

You didn't go to class yesterday

She didn't buy a car last month

He didn't build this computer himself

We didn't see our kids this morning


made > make

went >  go

bought > buy

built      > build

saw       > see

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