Inglês, perguntado por aninhajustin, 1 ano atrás

Alguem consegue traduzir a historia "Os Três Porquinhos" para o ingles?

Usuário anônimo: posso tentar
Usuário anônimo: :D

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por bruninharykelly1
The Three Little Pigs

ONCE UPON A TIME three little pigs who lived in the forest with his mother. One day, as they were already too old, decided to live each in their home. The mother agreed, but warned them:
- Be very careful, because the forest is also living the big bad wolf, and I will not be there to protect you ...
- Yes Mom! - Answered all three at the same time.
The piggies looked for a good place to build their homes, and so they found each began making their own home.
The youngest pig, who only thought about playing, made his home very quickly, using straw. The piggy in the middle, eager to go play with the younger, joined a few clubs and quickly built a wooden house. The oldest pig, who was wiser, he remembered that his mother had told him, and said:
- I will build my house of bricks. So I will have a very sturdy house to protect me from the big bad wolf.
Of course that was what it took longer to build the house but in the end, was very proud of her, and only then joined his brothers to play with.
One day the three little pigs went to jump, great fun when the big bad wolf appears:
- Hello! I see three delicious piggies before me.
When they saw the big bad wolf, fled, every man to his house.
The wolf, which was full of hungry, came near the house of the youngest pig, and said:
- I smell a pig! Stand back I'm gonna eat! If you do not go out, lay your straw house down ...
And seeing the house of straw before him, blew so strong, it made the house go by air!
The pig ran frightened into the house of the middle brother, who had a wooden house.
When the wolf got there, he shouted again:
- I smell a pig! And I'm so hungry that you'll eat for two ...
And with two blows, managed to throw the wooden house below.
The two younger pigs then ran, terrified, to the house of his elder brother, who was a brick.
The wolf, seeing that the three little pigs were all in one house, exclaimed, overjoyed:
- I smell a pig! And I'm not hungry anymore I have since picked up three little pigs to eat!
Then the wolf filled his chest with air and blew with all the strength he had, but the brick house did not budge one bit. Relieved, the three little pigs jumped in glee. But the wolf did not give up, and said:
- I could not throw a brick house or knock down your door but I have another idea ... will have to wait to see! And started up the roof, towards the chimney.
Younger pigs were cut but the eldest, who was very smart, put on the stove, under the chimney, a large cauldron of boiling water.
The wolf when entering the chimney fell into the pot of hot water and burned his tail, running as fast as he could to the middle of the forest. The two pigs thanked his older brother, and learned the lesson.
  This bad wolf, never been heard ...
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