Inglês, perguntado por MiihBR85, 9 meses atrás

AjUDiNhA?, Se VoCe CoNsEGuiu LeR iSsO VoCE TeNqUE Me AjUDaR.

Reescreva as frases substituindo os nomes destacados pelos pronomes he, she, it,
we, they.

a.Peter = __________ f.Laura = ___________

b.The dog =__________ g.The cat = ____________

c.Suellen = ___________ h.Lucy and I =__________

d.Frank and Maggy =________ i.The books= ____________

e.Lucy = ________ j.Paul and Mile = __________

2. Carl, Emily and I are friends. O pronome que substitui a expressão destacada é:
a) I
b) You
c) We
d) They
e) He

3. Complete as frases com am, is ou are (verbo to be).

a) She _______ Albania.
b) We ________ English.
c) They __________ American.
d) He _________ Spanish.
e) I __________ Brazilian.

Marque a alternative correta para as alternativas acima.
a) am, is, is , are, am
b) is , is, are, am, is
c) is, are, are, is, am
d) are, are, is, am, is

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mrclara15
1- nao tenho ctz dessa, mas se for oq eu acho então ficaria assim:
a) Peter: he
Laura: she

b) The dog: it
The cat: it

c) Suellen: she
Lucy and i: we

d) Frank and Maggy: they
The books: it

e) Lucy: she
Paul and Mile: they
(pergunte p sua professora caso esteja errado para que ela te ensine o certo;) )

2- alternativa C

3- alternativa C
Respondido por brunaluisa85
a) he
b) it
c) she
d) they
e) she
f) she
g) it
h) we
i) it
j) they

2- we

3- a) is
b) are
c) are
d) is
e) am

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