ajudemmm pfv pessoal é urgenteeeeeeeeeeeee

Soluções para a tarefa
It was 2005. A little boy was at the beach with his parents. He was four years old.
The boy was playing near the water. He walked into the water. His parents weren't watching him.
The water was over the boy's head! A woman saw the boy. The woman's name was Mrs. Blaise. Mrs. Blaise picked up the boy. She carried him to his parents. "Thank you!", the boy's parents said.
It was 2015- ten years later. The boy was at the same beach. He was 14 years old then. He was big and strong. He was a good swimmer.
A man was in the water. The man couldn't swim. " HELP! HELP!", the man said.
The boy ran into the water. He swam to the man. He pulled the man to the beach. "Thank you! Thank you!", the man said.
Who was the man? His name was Mr. Blaise, he was Mrs. Blaise's husband.