Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 1 ano atrás

ajudem por favor e para amanha


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kimi81
1- a) + They are working on the weekend.
? Are they working on the weekend?
- They aren't working on the weekend.

b) + We are going to the theater on Friday.
? Are we going to the theater on Friday?
- We are not going to the theater on friday.

c) + He is getting married this month.
? Is he getting married this month?
- He isn't getting married this month.

2- a) A: Where is he going?
B: He is going to France.

b) A: How long is he staying?
B: He is staying in France for three weeks.

c) A: Is he going by car?
B: He is going by plane.

d) A: Where is he staying?
B: He is staying in his friend's house.

e) A: When is he going to return?
B: He is going to return next month.

3- a) A: What is Arthur doing on Monday?
B: Arthur is playing tennis on Monday.

b) A: Where is Arthur going on Friday?
B: Arthur is triping to Tokyo on friday.

c) A: What is Arthur doing on Thursday?
B: Arthur is going to a job interview on Thursday.

d) A: Who is Arthur meeting on Tuesday?
B: Arhur is meeting Chelsea on Tuesday.

No exercício 4 tem esse quadro e você tem que preenchê-lo com as coisas que você irá fazer durante a semana.
On (day) são os dias da semana, na ordem: Monday (Segunda)/ Tuesday (terça)/ Wednesday (Quarta)/Thursday (quinta)/ Friday (sexta)/ Saturday (sábado)/ Sunday (domingo)
At (time) você terá que colocar a que horas você fará determinada atividade.
E em "Activity" é onde você tem que colocar o que você fará.
Ex: Monday 5PM Meet Brianna (Segunda 17h Encontrar Brianna)
Tuesday 6AM Go to school (Terça 6h Ir para a escola)
E assim vai...
No segundo quadro você tem que fazer exatamente a mesma coisa, mas invés das suas atividades, você tem que perguntar a um amigo sobre as atividades dele durante a semana e preenche-la com elas.
Espero ter ajudado! Qualquer duvida pode me perguntar.

Usuário anônimo: obrigada
kimi81: Imagina :)
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