Inglês, perguntado por SenhorPerguntador, 6 meses atrás

Ajudem por favor!!
02. Complete as sentenças usando already + presente perfect:

For example:

Do you friends want to see the film? No, they have already seen the film.

What time is Paul arriving? ________________________________________________________

Don’t forget to phone Tom. ________________________________________________________

When is Martin going away. ________________________________________________________

Do you want to read the newspaper?_________________________________________________

When does Sarah start her new job? __________________________________________________​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por danielnibering


1 = Paul has already arived

2 = I already talked with Tom

3 = Martin has already gone

4 = I already have read this newspaper

5 = Sarah had already started her job


SenhorPerguntador: brigado mano
SenhorPerguntador: ^-^
Respondido por fabiorobertogomesmil


Tudo bem


meu nome é Filha do dia de hoje que seja abençoado pra ti minha mãe

SenhorPerguntador: problemas?
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