AJUDEM!!!!!! PFVR...
1. Preencha as lacunas corretamente com o passado
do verbo to be e o verbo entre parênteses, formando
frases no past continuous.
Pedro - Hi Susan, what are you doing?
Suzan - Hi, I ______ ______ (go) to the park, but the
weather isn't good!
Pedro - You are right! Let's go to the mall.
Suzan - Good idea.
Pedro - There is a good film at the cinema.
Suzan - Yes, I _____ ______ (go) to see it last week,
but I didn't have money.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
Suzan - Hi, I was going to (go) to the park, but the weather isn't good!
Suzan - Yes, I was going to (go) to see it last week, but I didn't have money.
nessa ultima fala da Suzan, o verbo que melhorar se encaixa no contexto é 'watch' (assistir) ao inves de 'see' (ver, observar), mesmo que no portugues esses dois possam ser usados, no ingles é importante que haja essa diferenciação
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