Ajudem meu irmão por favor falta 2h

Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
Is Maggie watching a video right now? Yes, she is.
Are you having dinner at the moment? No, I'm not.
Is Thomas chatting with Sharon now? No, he's not.
Is your friend Rui sitting next to you now? Yes, he is.
Is it snowing at the moment? No, it's not.
Ednaldo Pereira aprova.
Respondido por
Resposta: 1- Is Maggie watching a video right now? Yes, she is
2-are you having dinner at the moment? No, i’m not
3- Is Thomas chatting with Sharon now? No, he’s not
4- Is your friend Rui sitting next to you? Yes, it is
5- is it snowing at the moment? No, it’s not
Explicação: confia na mãe
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