Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 11 meses atrás

ajudem aiii vou reprova

1·complete o texto com o esporte que melhor se adequar a descriçao

1 there are twenty -two players in this sports game .the ball oval -shaped.we wear helmets and shoulders pads during the matches i am an _____________player my name is roger

2 there are twenty-two players in this game .there are male and female teams .the ball is round i am a ____________________player .my name is tina

3 there are two or four players in this game .we use a racket and a small ball to play it .i am a name is tina .

4 there are five players in each team in this .game we have to shoot the ball throungh a hoop to score points i am a ________________________player my name is ronny

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marciaemiliadascola


1.) Rugby

2.) Soccer

3.) Tennis

4.) Basket ball


marciaemiliadascola: Valeu , me da um voto ?
marciaemiliadascola: Gratidão !
marciaemiliadascola: Se precisar me chame ,
Respondido por alexandrevinnicius80


vc e de outro mundo

vc e especial

vc e unica

vc e linda

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