Inglês, perguntado por juliovivo, 9 meses atrás

ajude aí é de inglês obrigado ​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


a. Those patients are not running ...

b. Her appoointment is not at ...

c. The patient is not booking ...

d. The secretary isn't cancelling ...

e. I don't want to schedule ...

f. They don't have a ...

g. She isn't always sharp ...

h. Those patients don't need to run...

i. The patients don't want to have ...

j. You don't need to take ...

k. You don't need to take ...

l. That young lady is not the receptionist.

m. She is not confirming ...


Negativa com verbo to be - só acrescentar NOT após o verbo

Those patients are not running ...

Her appoointment is not at ...

The patient is not booking

Negativa com outros verbos - só acrescentar DON'T / DOESN'T + verbo na forma original

Don't     - I - we - you - they

Doesn't - He - she - it


I don't want to schedule ...

They don't have a ...

She doesn't study at night.

juliovivo: você é de + amiga me ajude nas outras obrigado
CremildaBR: vou editar, nao vi as outras
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