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Soluções para a tarefa
1)They are Powers of the Union, independent and harmonious with each other, the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary. "
1 Executive power: The executive power is responsible for administering the country, carrying out public policies that are of interest to the population and applying the laws.
Executive power can be divided into 3 spheres, which are: federal, state and municipal. The federal is represented by the President of the Republic, the state by the Governor and the municipal by the Mayor. Access to these positions is given by the direct election of the population Legislative power: #2#The legislature has the function of ordering and creating laws for the country, in addition to judging and supervising the policies of the Executive Power.Judicial Power: #3#The judiciary is responsible for judging through laws created by the legislature and the country's constitution. The bodies that make up the judiciary
3)executive power
4) responde com yes ou no se você conhece alguns dos poderes são eles:
legislativo, judiciário e executivo