Inglês, perguntado por srayllane674, 3 meses atrás

Ajudar aí por favoooooooor


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Georgie20


1 - d) This, That, These and Those.

2- c) Parts of the Body.

3- A. He is dreaming.

B. It is green.

C. They are on the wall.

D. He is running

E. We are watching TV.

F. They are in the garden.

G. Him is riding his bike.

H. She is from Bristol.

I. Her has got a brother.

4- b) perna.

5- a) One hundred.

b) Thirty.

c) Twelve.

d) Eight.


I Hope Helped You!

Atenciosamente, Georgie20.


srayllane674: Oi e pra bota só o nome da frente no a b c
srayllane674: Obrigado
Georgie20: De nada!
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