Inglês, perguntado por barbielay, 3 meses atrás


1o. Questão: Complete as perguntas utilizando os verbos auxiliares DO ou DOES de acordo com o sujeito da frase.( 0,25 cada) How often __________your mom go to the salon? How often _________you play computer games? How often _________ Marcos visit his grandparents? How often __________we kiss each other? How often _________they study with friends? How often _________your sister go the mall? 2o. Questão: Responda às perguntas abaixo ( não esqueça de dar a resposta completa com sujeito e verbo) ( 0,5 cada) How often do you play computer games? How often do you visit your grandparents? How often do you travel? 3o. Questão: Complete as frases com a forma correta dos verbos no simple present: (0,5 cada) I usually _____________English in the morning. ( to study) She sometimes __________ to school by car. ( to go) My sister ___________ TV in the evening. ( to watch) We _________our computer every day. ( to use) She _________her dad good-bye every morning. ( to kiss) Davi always ____________his computer by himself. ( to fix) ___________GOOD LUCK, EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!__________________ ​

pecutini9: obewebowobewobewoeowobwoboeoweboeobewobewobeowobewobeobewoeboeoewoob

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kkaaaiilaanny


How often does your mom go to the salon?

How often do you play computer games?

How often does Marcos visit his grandparents?

How often do we kiss each other?

How often do they study with friends?

How often does your sister go to the mall?

barbielay: Obrigada ❤️
pecutini9: eobwobobeobooewwobeowoewoewoeboewoowbowobe
kkaaaiilaanny: Olá pecutini9, não entendi a mensagem.
pecutini9: XUT DA FAK AP
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