Inglês, perguntado por letyyycia9182, 6 meses atrás

ajudaaa, prova de inglêssss
16. If I had more time in England, I certainly _______________ Stonehenge. *

1 ponto

am going to

went to

would visit

will visit

17. I’d be more careful _______________. *

1 ponto

if I had been you

if I am in your place

if I were in your place

if I am you

18. I prefer to visit _______________ places and still have some time to walk around a city and talk to people. *

1 ponto



far less


19. Excuse me, could you tell me _______________? *

1 ponto

what time is it

what the time is

what is the time

what's the time

20. Would you mind telling me _______________? *

1 ponto

how long does it take

where are you taking us

where were you

where you’re taking us

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Naarita


16. Would visit

17. if i were in your place

18. fewer and more (os dois estão corretos dependendo do contexto)

19. what time is it

20. how long does it take and where are you taking us (os dois estão corretos dependendo do contexto)


Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos!

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