Ajuda por favor é urgente

Soluções para a tarefa
For health: if you don't take care of the forests, there will be less carbon sinks and therefore more air pollution. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nine out of ten people in the world breathe with high levels of pollution and seven million people die from environmental (external) and domestic - air contamination.
Consequences of environmental degradation
The result of this is global warming; changes in the natural cycle of animals and plants; lack of water; air and water pollution; among others. In the future, this could be even worse, with the absence of drinking water, electricity and food, in addition to many social problems.
Hope this helps?
Good studies, and have a good day.
Consequências da degradação ambiental
O resultado disso é o aquecimento global; mudanças no ciclo natural de animais e plantas; falta de água; poluição do ar e da água; entre outros. No futuro, isso pode ser ainda pior, com a ausência de água potável, eletricidade e alimentos, além de muitos problemas sociais.
Espero ter ajudado?
Bons estudos, e tenha um bom dia.