Inglês, perguntado por fernandoamarosilva, 8 meses atrás

AJUDA POR FAVOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por GabiLara15


2- serão sublinhados: was, needed,had, worked, were, made, did, wanted, liked, gave, married, wasn't e didn't.

was e were: verbo to be no passado

needed, worked, wanted, liked e married: passado simples

had, made e gave: verbos irregulares no passado simples

wasn't: verbo to be no passado porém forma negativa

didn't: verbo usado para indicar uma pergunta no passado.

3- He needed more money. (afirmativa) He didn't need more money. (negativa) Did he need more money? (interrogativa)

He needed a good job. (afirmativa) He didn't need a good job. (negativa) Did he need a good job? (interrogativa)

He had a job. (afirmativa) He didn't have a job. (negativa) Did he have a job? (interrogativa)

He worked in a restaurant. (afirmativa) He didn't work in a restaurant. (negativa) Did he work in a restaurant? (interrogativa)

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