Ajuda aqui :)…??? aaaaaa

Soluções para a tarefa
1 - A coach is a person that helps you train.
2 - That's the politician whose daughter got married in Miami.
3 - A court is a place where people play tennis.
4 - That is the race which millions of people watch.
5 - 1992 is the year when the Olympics were held in Barcelona.
6 - I have a friend whose father is working in the local hospital.
7 - You will never forget the day when you were born.
That é usado para se referir a pessoas ou animais. Pode substituir Wich ou Who.
Ex: The blue jacket that she is putting on belongs to her friend. (A jaqueta azul que ela está vestindo ppertence à amiga dela.)
Where é usado para se referir a lugares.
When é usado para se referir ao tempo.
Whose indica posse e significa “de quem”, "a quem pertence" ou então "cujo", "do qual".