ajuda ai no ingles......

Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1 -
a) Won't somebody please come up with something 'cause Jesus just don't seem to be impartially working.
b) The party was winding down so we called the guy to get more of that stuff.
c) Woke up, fell out of bed and dragged a comb across my head.
d) I need a fix 'cause I'm going down
f) Get off of my cloud!
g) You're 30 and you still live in your moms' basement, grow up for god's sake.
h) It's like the more money we come across , the more problems we see .
2 -
B. (X) Exiba seu quarto novo.
3 -
A (X) Ela levanta cedo todos os dias.
4 -
C. (X) Venha relaxar.
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