Inglês, perguntado por cileneduaret1, 7 meses atrás

ajuda aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaForme as frases abaixo usando o simple present: ⦁ My mother/ to study/ every day ⦁ I / to like/ ice-cream. ⦁ She/ to play / chess at school ⦁ He/ to watch/ netflix ⦁ They/ to go / to the beach on Sundays ⦁ The sun / to rise/ in the east ⦁ She/ to go/ to the movies every weekend ⦁ I / to have / a cat ⦁ He / to have / a house

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 0000052081

⦁ My mother/ to study/ every day

My mother studies every day.

⦁ I / to like/ ice-cream.

I like Ice cream.

⦁ She/ to play / chess at school

She plays chess at school.

⦁ He/ to watch/ netflix

He watches Netflix.

⦁ They/ to go / to the beach on Sundays

They go to the beach on Sundays.

⦁ The sun / to rise/ in the east

The sun rises in the east.

⦁ She/ to go/ to the movies every weekend

She goes to the movies every weekend.

⦁ I / to have / a cat

I have a cat.

⦁ He / to have / a house

He has a house.


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