Inglês, perguntado por wydson321, 4 meses atrás

Ainda de acordo com o texto, quantos dias por ano os alunos da Austrália frequentam a escola? *
1 ponto
A) 300 days a year.
B) 200 days a year.
C) 100 days a year.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por biahelaine51


Tem o texto pfvr????????????

wydson321: De acordo com o texto abaixo, marque a alternativa correta: School years around the world. Students in Australia attend school for 200 days a year. Their school year lasts from late January to mid December. Since Australia is the Southern hemisphere, it experiences summer while it's winter in the Northern hemisphere. The school year is divided into four terms, with each term lasting 9 to 11 weeks. Quais os hemisférios são citados no texto? *
biahelaine51: 200 days a year
wydson321: Obgd man
Respondido por fkaua1268



200 dias

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