Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 8 meses atrás

Adriana’s house is green – A casa de Adriana é verde CASO GENITIVO
The teacher’s house is green – A casa da professora é verde CASO GENITIVO
My sister’s house is green – A casa da minha irmã é verde CASO GENITIVO
Mark the INCORRECT option according to the Genitive Case.
( A ) The door’s car is open.
( B ) The world’s population is increasing.
( C ) I’m going to Grandma’s.
( D ) Which are Fred's and Eric’s cars?
( E ) This is my mother-in-law's house.
1. Circule a indicação correta ’ or ’s:
a. Billy ''s blue car is in the garage.
b. Mr. John ''s secretary is here.
c. They sell ladies ''s clothes in this store.
d. The doctor ''s kids are very nice.
e. The women ''s boyfriends are late.
f. My friends ''s cousins are beautiful.
g. We love Grandma ''s cookies.
h. The engineer ''s sunglasses are broken.
i. I don’t like boys ''s sneakers.
j. Bring the baby ''s toys.
2. Rewrite the sentences using the Genitive case:
a. The skirts of the women are white.
b. The tail of the horse is not short.
c. The offices of the doctors are beautiful.
d. The books of the students are new.
e. The toys of the babies are funny.
f. The hat of Mrs. Sally is red.
g. The dress of my sister is old.
h. The leg of the chair is broken.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AbDomineEst

Primeira Questão

Mark the INCORRECT option according to the Genitive Case

 ( A ) The door’s car is open.

 ( B ) The world’s population is increasing.

X ( C ) I’m going to Grandma’s.

 ( D ) Which are Fred's and Eric’s cars?

 ( E ) This is my mother-in-law's house.

A segunda eu não entendi desculpe

Terceira Questão

The skirts of the women are white. -> The skirts of the women's white

The tail of the horse is not short -> The tail of the horse's not short

The offices of the doctors are beautiful. -> The offices of the doctors's beatiful

The books of the students are new. -> The books of the students's new.

The toys of the babies are funny. -> The toys of the babies's funny.

The hat of Mrs. Sally is red. -> The hat of Mrs. Sally's red.

The dress of my sister is old. -> The dress of my sister's old.

The leg of the chair is broken. -> The leg of the chair's broken.

Espero ter ajudado<3

Bons Estudos:)

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