Inglês, perguntado por PatriciadaCostaMasri, 7 meses atrás

Activity 5: Write in English the recipe that you wrote in Portuguese.​

SaiuryVieira: qual a sua receita
PatriciadaCostaMasri: Bolo de cenoura

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por SaiuryVieira


minha receita foi

Oreo fudge


500 g of white chocolate

14 oreos

a can of condensed milk


smash the oreos and put them in a pan whit the chocolate and the condenced milk , stir whit the spon over medium heat until the chocolate has melted and the mixture is coming out of the pan, put in one form and leave in the cogelador for few hours and it is ready to eat.


se tiver alguma duviva sobre o texto traduz no google

espero ter ajudado

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