Inglês, perguntado por saramoraesdasilva190, 5 meses atrás

ACTIVITY 2: Para cada frase, selecione a alternativa correta:
2. She .... like football very much.
a. net b. isn't c. doesn't

3. How .... does one lesson cost?
a. much b. money c. many

4. There .... a big supermarket next to my
a. are b. is c. have

5. I .... agree with you.
a. don't b. not c. does

6. Joshua can't .... tennis. He's broken his arm.
a. plays b. do c. play

7. .... some more tea?
a. Do you like 6. Would you like c. Does you

8. She is ... right now.
a. sleeping b. sleep c. sleeps

9. I don't need ... sugar to bake a cake.
a. a b. some c. any

10. What's the weather like in Vitória today?
a. I don't like weather b. It likes rain c. It's rainy

11. Last week we .... to Afonso Claudio.
a. goed b. went c. gone

12. I .... the film we saw at the cinema on
a. not liked b. don't liked c. didn't like

13. Maria .... in England for her holiday last
a. was b. went c. were

14. My mother .... never been to a cricket
a. was b. has c. have

15. Joanna .... her new mobile phone.
a. loses b. lost c. has lost

16. .... ever seen a comet?
a. have you b. did you c. do you
17. If I were rich, 1.... buy a huge farm in
a. bought b. would c. will

18. They
pass their exam if they studied
a. would b. had c. will

19. I wish I .... play a musical instrument.
a. can b. could c. would

20. Claire didn't come to class. I wonder what
the matter is!
a. She should be sick b. She can be sick c.
She must be sick.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo


2. She doesn't like football very much.

3. How much does one lesson cost?

4. There is a big supermarket next to my house

5. I don't agree with you.

6. Joshua can't play tennis. He's broken his arm.

7. Would you like some more tea?

8. She is sleeping right now.

9. I don't need a sugar to bake a cake. (fiquei com duvida nessa)

10. It's rainy

11. Last week we went to Afonso Claudio.

12. I didn't like the film we saw at the cinema on

13. Maria was in England for her holiday last year

14. My mother has never been to a cricket match

15. Joanna has lost her new mobile phone.

16. Have you ever seen a comet?

17. If I were rich, 1 wold buy a huge farm in Somerset.

18. Theywold  pass their exam if they studied hard.

19. I wish I cold play a musical instrument.

20. She must be sick.​


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