Inglês, perguntado por maluj25, 6 meses atrás

Activity 1
Supply WHO or WHICH:
a) That is the person________sold me those ancient books.
b) This is the house________I want to buy.
c) He is the mechanic_______has fixed my car.
d) The dogs_________you have at home are very dangerous.
e) The people________have just arrived live in my neighborhood.
f) The man_______arrived is a pilot.
g) The book________is on the bed is mine.

Activity 2
Read the sentences and complete with: obligation (obrigação) or advice (conselho)
a) Everyone must respect the nature ( )
b) I think you should apologize ( )
c) You shouldn’t go there tonight ( )
d) Cars musn’t park in front of the entrance ( )

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fernandafm9


1) a) who

b) which

c) who

d) which

e) who

f) who

g) which

2)a) advice

b) advice

c) advice

d) obligation



which: no qual

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