Inglês, perguntado por marinho1262, 8 meses atrás

Activity – 03

Complete os espaços usando: THE, A, AN ou NADA quando o artigo não for necessário.

1. There is……..excellent doctor in…… I know.

2. He is………university student.

3. We are……..champions.

4. It is………honor for me to be here.

5. I'll be back in………hour.

6. I think this is………end of……..story.

7. Are you……..manager of this company?

8. He is……..good father.

9. She is………great friend.

10. We are from ………..USA.

11. I found..........umbrella at the movie theater.

12. We saw……...European movie yesterday.

13. They’re……….English students.

14. Julie is………..housewife.

15. There are ……….people waiting outside.

16. We’ll have to wait for…………hour to see the movie.

17. Mike and Tina are………..engineers.

18. Tom is………great architect.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por NickziN20


1. There is a excellent doctor in the hospital I know.

2. He is an university student.

3. We are the champions.

4. It is a honor for me to be here.

5. I'll be back in hour. (NADA)

6. I think this is the end of a story.

7. Are you the manager of this company?

8. He is a Good father.

9. She is the great frind.

10. We are from the USA.

11. I found a umbrella at the movie theater.

12. We saw an European movie yesterday.

13. they're the English students.

14. Julie is a housewife.

15. There are the people waiting outside.

16. We'll have to wait for a hour to see the movie.

17. Mike and Tina are engineers (NADA)

18. Tom is a great architect.

Espero ter ajudado !

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