1. Passe as frases para as formas negativa e interrogativa
1. You should pay more attention to the classes.
(Você deveria prestar atenção nas aulas.)
2. You must arrive at 10 o'clock.
(Você deve chagar as 10 em ponto.)
3.You should call your mom.
(Você deveria ligar para sua mãe.)
4.You must do the homework.
(Você deve fazer o dever de casa.)
5.You should take a break.
(Você deveria dar uma pausa.)
Soluções para a tarefa
You should not pay more attention to the classes.
Should you pay more attention to the classes?
You must not arrive at 10 o'clock.
Must you arrive at 10 o'clock?
You should not call your mom.
Should you call your mom?
You must not do the homework.
Must you do the homework?
You should not take a break.
Should you take a break?
Olá! Bom dia, sou euhenrique90 e irei te ajudar! ;) ⁂
You should pay more attention to the classes.
N: You should not pay more attention to the classes.
I: Should you pay more attention to the classes?
You must arrive at 10 o'clock.
N: You must not arrive at 10 o'clock.
I: Must you arrive at 10 o'clock?
You should call your mom.
N: You should not call your mom.
I: Should you call your mom?
You must do the homework.
N: You must not do the homework.
I: Must you do the homework?
You should take a break.
N: You should not take a break.
I: Should you take a break?
Espero que te ajudei! euhenrique90 fica feliz em te ajudar ;)