Inglês, perguntado por BNHA91, 3 meses atrás


1-Complete as frases utilizando o artigo A ou AN:

a) She has _________ white dog.

b) He wants _______ piece of that cake.

c) I love to eat _________ apple every morning.

d) She has ________ interesting idea.

e) My dad got _________new job.

f) Sarah wants to be ________ dancer.

g) I will take ________ taxi.

h) Maria is __________ good girl.

i) My cousin wants to be ________ astronaut.

j) She is ________girl.

k) He is __________boy.

l) I need to buy ___________ backpack.

2-Coloque um (x) nas opções que estão incorretas.

a.( ) an egg.

b.( ) an apple

c.( ) an table.

d.( ) a elephant.

e.( ) a house.

f.( ) a orange.

g.( ) an pencil.

h.( ) an desk.

3-Assinale a alternativa que tem a sequência correta:

a.( )an opera, a boy, a girl,

b.( )a opera, a evening, an arm

c.( )an book, an house, a apple

d.( )a book, a house, an year

4-Em quais opções the foi corretamente utilizado?

( )A. The Brazil is a very beautiful country.

( )B. John was born in the USA.

( )C. Peter is the my friend.

( )D. Anna is the best friend I have ever had.

( )E. Three days to go until the his parents come back.

( )F. Does your mother-in-law live in the New York?

( )G. The life is hard, but you can succeed if you really want to


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por arizona0m0



a- a

b- a

c- an

d- an

e- a

f- a

g- a

h- a

i- an

j- a

k- a

l- a

2- coloca o x no ( C, D, F, G, H)

3- a certa é A

4- a certa é B


(a) é para palavras que começam com consoantes, por exemplo: a doctor


(an) é para palavras que começam com vogais, por exemplo: an apple

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