Inglês, perguntado por hayumiyamashita, 7 meses atrás

ache o erro
1- May I put your pethamster back in the cage?

2- is there nobody from Germany in your family?

3- Have you decided yet where you´re going on your vacation?

4- Have you ever went europe?

5- I haven´t seen my relatives for last Christmas

hayumiyamashita: helpp é pra hoje

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒  Present perfect

⇒⇒  Conjunctions

1- May I put your pethamster back in the cage?

    May I put your hamster back in the cage?

2- Is there nobody from Germany in your family?

   Is there anybody from Germany in your family?

3- Have you decided yet where you´re going on your vacation?

    Have you already decided where you're going on your vacation?

4- Have you ever went europe?

     Have you ever been to Europe?

5- I haven´t seen my relatives for last Christmas

   I haven't seen my relatives since last Christmas.


⇒⇒ Present Perfect >>> Indica quando a ação começou ou quanto tempo faz que ela está ocorrendo.

→→  situação/ação que começou no passado e continua no presente.

I have studied German since 2017. - Eu estudo alemão desde 2017.

(comecei a estudar alemão em 2017 e continuo estudando hoje)

⇒⇒   Anybody -  para perguntar se há alguém ou usado em negação -

Is there anybody in the living room?

No, there isn't anybody there.

⇒⇒   Nobody - ninguém (não pode usar NOT junto com nobody)

There is nobody in the living room. CORRETO

There isn't nobody in the living room. ERRADO

⇒⇒   Yet - normalmente usada no final da frase negativa    - ainda

I haven't cleaned my room yet.

⇒⇒   Already - usada logo após o sujeito e antes do verbo - já

I already cleaned my room.

⇒⇒   since - usado antes do sujeito/tempo  - desde

I have studied English since I was a kid.

⇒⇒   for - usado sempre antes do tempo/período     - por

I've studied English for 14 years.

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Respondido por manu52657


1- May I put your hamster back in the cage?

2-is there anybody from Germany in your family?

3- have you already decided were you're going on your vacation?

4-Have you Ever been went to Europe?

5- I haven't seen my relatives since last Chrisrmas

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