Inglês, perguntado por nayaranilza47, 7 meses atrás

About 225 million years ago there were fantastic
animals called dinosaurs in the world. There were
more than 1000 different dinosaurs. There were
big and small dinosaurs. They were herbivorous
and carnivorous
Dinosaur means "terrible lizard", but dinosaurs
weren't lizards. They were giant reptiles
, but they
were different from reptiles.

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Respondido por elisa006



Cerca de 225 milhões de anos atrás, havia fantásticos

animais chamados dinossauros no mundo. Havia

mais de 1000 dinossauros diferentes. Havia

grandes e pequenos dinossauros. Eles eram herbívoros

e carnívoro

Dinossauro significa "lagarto terrível", mas dinossauros

não eram lagartos. Eles eram répteis gigantes

, mas eles

eram diferentes dos répteis.

nayaranilza47: obrigada
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