Inglês, perguntado por brunomedrocha, 2 meses atrás

A) Use either the SIMPLE PRESENT or PRESENT CONTINUOUS of the verbs in parentheses to complete the sentences.

1. Kathy (sit, usually) ___________________________ in the front row during class, but today she __________________________ in the last row.
2. Diane can´t come to the phone because she (wash) her hair.
3. Diane (wash) ____________________ her hair every other day or so.
4. Please be quiet. I (try) ____________ to concentrate.
5. (Lock, you, always) _____________ the door to your apartment when you leave?
6. Look! It (snow) ____________________.
7. Mike (go, not) _____________ to school right now because it is summer. He (attend) ____________ college from September to May every year, but in the summer he (have, usually) _______________________ a job at the post office. In fact, he (work) _________________ there this summer.
8. Right now I (look) ________________ around the classroom. Ahmed (write) __________________ in his book. Carlos (bite) ____________ pencil. Wan-Ning (scratch) ___________________ his head. Reza (stare) ____________ out the window. He (seem) ______________ to be daydreaming, but perhaps he (think) __________________ hard about verb tenses.
9. After three days of rain, I´m glad that the sun (shine) _______________ again.
10. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn´t answered my letter yet. I (wait, still) ___________________ for a reply.
11. Barbara (tutor, often) __________________ other students in her Math class. This afternoon she (help) ________________Steve with his Math assignment because he (understand, not) ________________ the topic they (work) ________________ on in their class this week.
12. Look! It (begin) __________________ to rain. Unfortunately, I (have, not) _______________ my umbrella with me.
13. A: Where (be) ________________ Peter and Janice?
B: They (be) _________________out of town. They (visit) __________________ some friends in Chicago.
14. A: Who is that woman who (stand) ____________________ next to the window?
B: Which woman? (Talk, you) ________________ about the women who (wear) _________________ the blue and gold dress?
A: No, I (talk, not) ________________ about her. I (mean) _______________ the woman who (wear) __________________ the green suit.
B: Oh, I (know, not) ______________________. I (recognize, not) __________________ her.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

1 - usually sits / is sitting

2 -  is washing

3 - washes

4 - am trying

5 - Do you always lock

6 - is snowing

7 - is not going / attends / usually has / is working

8 - am looking / is writing / is biting his / is scratching / is staring / seems/ is thinking

9 - is shining

10 - am still waiting

11 - often tutors / is helping / isn't understanding / are working

12 - is begining / don't have

13 - is / are / are visiting

14 - is standing / Are you talking / is wearing / am not talking / mean / is wearing / don't know / don't recognize

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