Inglês, perguntado por emersonnote14, 7 meses atrás

a) to charge b) lecture c) to crash d) allowance
Use one of the words above in each sentence. One of them won’t be used.
a) My parents never grounded me when I did something wrong. But I had to hear long minutes of __________. Believe me, it was worse than a month without TV.
b) When I was a teenager, my _____________ always depended on doing a few chores, like taking out the garbage or cleaning the bathroom.
c) It was not a simple ___________ : I had to change the hard drive and lost all my data.

pdmfernandes123: Não compreendi perfeitamente os textos

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por brendhallyvalencavol

C)Não Sei Essa Me Desculpe

emersonnote14: Vlw
brendhallyvalencavol: De nada!
Respondido por luanagreys

Tradução: a) to charge b) lecture c) to crash d) allowance

Use uma das palavras acima em cada uma das sentenças.

Uma delas não será usada.


a) My parents never grounded me when I did something wrong. But I had to hear long minutes of lecture. Believe me, it was worse than a month without TV.

b) When I was a teenager, my allowance always depended on doing a few chores, like taking out the garbage or cleaning the bathroom.

c) It was not a simple crash: I had to change the hard drive and lost all my data.

Respostas, respectivamente: lecture, allowance, crash.

A palavra não usada é "to charge".

emersonnote14: Vlw
emersonnote14: Me desculpa era para eu colocar você como a melhor resposta
emersonnote14: Eu me confundi e coloquei o de cima
brendhallyvalencavol: Essa era realmente a melhor resposta
brendhallyvalencavol: LuanaGreys Continue com a boa ajuda
emersonnote14: Verdade
emersonnote14: Estou triste
luanagreys: De nada! Muito obrigada! Não tem problema, fico feliz que ajudei!
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