Inglês, perguntado por rogermatheus2020mart, 2 meses atrás

A tirinha a seguir é para as questões 01 e 02:

01) Qual destas frases da tirinha contém humor?
a) hum... ambiguous text from Gus.
b) A simple smiley face back...?
c) I can’t believe this.
d) I am “fixing my face” for a text.

02) Relacione as colunas abaixo.
( A ) : ) ( ) an open-mouthed laughing face
( B ) ;-) ( ) a simple smiley face
( C ) :-D ( ) a winking face
A resposta correta é, na ordem:
a) A – B – C
b) B – C – A
c) C – A – B
d) C – B – A

03) Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a
sentença :
“The lady was sorry the Application _____ to
eight pages, but she _____ it to get the information she
a) runs – needs
b) runs – need
c) run – needs
d) run – need

We are all housekeepers!
Plant a tree…Use recycled paper… Don’t waste fuel… Save
water… Keep your engine well adjusted… Walk… Don’t
smoke… Don’t wear fur… Use biodegrable products. In this
way we can keep our house in order.
Vocabulary: waste: desperdiçar; engine: motor; fur: peles.

04) Analisando a frase “In this way we can keep our house
in order”, a palavra “house”, no texto, refere-se:
a) aos produtos biodegradáveis.
b) ao mundo.
c) ao nosso corpo.
d) a nossa casa.

05) Observe o quadro abaixo:
A The teacher gives the lessons.
B We speaks Portuguese.
C Marcus drinks beer every Friday night.

Podemos afirmar que:
a) apenas A está correta
b) A e B estão corretas.
c) A e C estão corretas.
d) todas estão corretas.

06) A oração “She has a great vinyl collection.” na forma
interrogativa, seria:
a) She has a great vinyl collection?
b) Does she has a great vinyl collection?
c) Does she have a great vinyl collection?
d) Do she have a great vinyl collection?

07) “He goes to Paris every year”. – Se esta oração estivesse
na forma negativa, seria:
a) Does he not go to Paris every year
b) He goes not to Paris every year.
c) He does not go to Paris every year.
d) He do not goes to Paris every year.

08) Observe o quadro abaixo:

A fix – fixes
B do – does
C try – tries

Podemos afirmar que:
a) A e B estão corretas.
b) B e C estão corretas.
c) apenas B está correta.
d) todas estão corretas.

Preciso das respostas!!!


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por miguelluisdahepaa18j

01) "D".

02) "C".

03) "A".

04) "B".

05) "B".

06) "C".

07) "C".

08) "D".

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