Inglês, perguntado por Lhentiquemoura, 4 meses atrás

A timeline do Ed Sheeran. Do you know him? Read the timeline and answer the questions. Edward Christopher Sheeran is an English artist. He is also a Grammy-winning singer/songwriter known for his hit songs like 'Thinking Out Loud,' 'Photograph,' 'Shape of You' and 'Perfect.'


award: prêmio became: se tornou daughter: filha engagement: noivado

first: primeiro got married: se casaram record: gravar relationship: relacionamento

release: lançar song: música won: venceu theater: teatro

soundtrack: trilha sonora was born: nasceu youth: juvenil United Kingdom: Reino Unido

a) Na timeline do Ed Sheeran, há vários verbos regulares no Simple Past, quais são eles?



Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por hanystudy2612


a) was, studied, learned, moved, recorded, appeared, released, signed, won, started, announced.

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