Inglês, perguntado por dhay3439, 1 ano atrás

A school band is a group of student musicians who rehearse and perform instrumentalmusic together. They are very common in the United States. Students generally start daily bandclasses in the 6th or 7th grade. And, today is a special day at Robinson Elementary School. They are playing in the final of the Junior Football League and the students are very enthusiastic.The school band is going to make a presentation before the game. The band members arelined up and starting right now!O que é uma “SCHOOL BAND”?"


Qual alternativa está incorreta de acordo com o “Simple Present”? *

A) She eat cereal for breakfast every morning.

B) My brothers do their homework at home.

C) He always studies before the test.

D) She sometimes makes the bed.

Sarah usually dances at home.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por student1280

1°Uma banda escolar é um grupo de estudantes músicos que ensaiam e tocam música instrumental juntos.


2°a letra "a", o verbo não está concordando com o sujeito, já que é 3ª pessoa do singular (she), e presente simples, o verbo tinha que estar conjugado, no caso seria "eats" ao invés de "eat"

Respondido por lolasteca721


Letra A


Porque o verbo principal precisa estar em Simple Present

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